Polyab Safa Company-English

Manual Filter press
Manual Filter press 200
This model is located between the laboratory machines and has the smallest size between them.
this filter press is used for test and laboratory issues and is used for specifying the filtration specification too.
the pusher plate of this device id worked by hand and the legs have wheels so it is movable because of its light weight and small size.
The chassis material is carbon steel that coated by two layers of epoxy paint and persists against acidic environments.
There are some optional options like drip tray-cover lander and … that can be mount according to Costumers opinions.
Manual Filter press 300
This model is located between the laboratory machines and this is the second filter press according to size issue.
this filter press is used for test and laboratory issues and is used for specifying the filtration specification too.
the pusher plate of this device id worked by hand and the legs have wheels so it is movable because of its light weight and small size.
The chassis material is carbon steel that coated by two layers of epoxy paint and persists against acidic environments.
There are some optional options like drip tray-cover lander and … that can be mount according to Customers opinions.
Manual Filter press 400
This model is located between the laboratory machines and this model is the biggest model between laboratory devices.
this filter press is used for test and laboratory issues and is used for specifying the filtration specification too.
the pusher plate of this device id worked by hand, annual hydraulic and electrical hydraulic and the legs have wheels so it is movable because of its light weight and small size.
The chassis material is carbon steel that coated by two layers of epoxy paint and persists against acidic environments.
There are some optional options like drip tray-cover lander and … that can be mount according to Costumers opinions.
Manual Filter press 600
This model is located between the Industrial machines and has the smallest size between them.
this filter press can be used for industrial issues by medium scale and can be used for filtration process lines by Small cake volume.
the pusher plate of this device id worked by hand, annual hydraulic and electrical hydraulic and the legs have wheels so it is movable because of its light weight and small size.
The chassis material is carbon steel that coated by two layers of epoxy paint and persists against acidic environments.
There are some optional options like drip tray-cover lander and … that can be mount according to Costumers opinions.
Semi-Automatic filter press 400
This model is located between the laboratory machines and this model is the biggest model between laboratory devices.
this filter press is used for test and laboratory issues and is used for specifying the filtration specification too.
the pusher plate of this device id worked by hand, annual hydraulic and electrical hydraulic and the legs have wheels so it is movable because of its light weight and small size.
The chassis material is carbon steel that coated by two layers of epoxy paint and persists against acidic environments.
There are some optional options like drip tray-cover lander and … that can be mount according to Costumers opinions.
Semi-Automatic filter press 600
This model is located between the Industrial machines and has the smallest size between them.
this filter press can be used for industrial issues by medium scale and can be used for filtration process lines by Small cake volume.
the pusher plate of this device id worked by hand, annual hydraulic and electrical hydraulic and the legs have wheels so it is movable because of its light weight and small size.
The chassis material is carbon steel that coated by two layers of epoxy paint and persists against acidic environments.
There are some optional options like drip tray-cover lander and … that can be mount according to Costumers opinions.
Semi-Automatic filter press 800
This model is located between the Industrial machines and has the second big size in this group.
this filter press can be used for industrial issues by medium scale and can be used for filtration process lines by medium cake volume.
the pusher plate of this device id worked by electrical hydraulic and the legs of this model are fix.
The chassis material is carbon steel that coated by two layers of epoxy paint and persists against acidic environments.
There are some optional options like drip tray-cover lander and … that can be mount according to Costumers opinions.
Semi-Automatic filter press 1000
This model is located between the Industrial machines.
this filter press can be used for industrial issues by medium scale and can be used for filtration process lines by medium cake volume.
the pusher plate of this device id worked by electrical hydraulic and the legs of this model are fix.
The chassis material is carbon steel that coated by two layers of epoxy paint and persists against acidic environments.
There are some optional options like drip tray-cover lander and … that can be mount according to Costumers opinions.
Semi-Automatic filter press 1200
This model is located between the Industrial machines.
Filter press 1200 mostly is used for industrial issues large scales and is used for filtration process lines by high production quantities.
the pusher plate of this device id worked by electrical hydraulic and the legs of this model are fix.
The chassis material is carbon steel that coated by two layers of epoxy paint and persists against acidic environments.
There are some optional options like drip tray-cover lander and … that can be mount according to Costumers opinions.
Semi-Automatic filter press 1250
This model is located between the Industrial machines.
Filter press 1250 mostly is used for industrial issues large scales and is used for filtration process lines by high production quantities.
the pusher plate of this device id worked by electrical hydraulic and the legs of this model are fix.
The chassis material is carbon steel that coated by two layers of epoxy paint and persists against acidic environments.
There are some optional options like drip tray-cover lander and … that can be mount according to Costumers opinions.
Semi-Automatic filter press 1500
This model is located between the Industrial machines.
This model is used for industrial issues by very big scale and high production capacity that the volume of cake is so much.
Filter press is our biggest devices that can filter enormous volume of suspension in time unit.
1500 plates manufacturing technology were invented by POLYAB SAFA CO. and has been exclusively made by POLYAB SAFA CO.
the pusher plate of this device id worked by electrical hydraulic and the legs of this model are fix.
The chassis material is carbon steel that coated by two layers of epoxy paint and persists against acidic environments.
There are some optional options like drip tray-cover lander and … that can be mount according to Costumers opinions.
Full Automatic Filter Press
Filter Press Company is the manufacturer of filter press devices for dehydrating and discharging cake, moving and vibrating plates using PLC control system and related sensors automatically. The features of this type of device reduce the filtration time, increase the filtration capacity in each shift (due to reducing the time between stages), reduce manpower dependence and increase the volume of solid material.
Full Automat Filter Press 800
This type of filter press devices Are among the industrial devices.
The printing of this device is in the form of an electric hydraulic and its base is fixed.
The body of this device is made of two-layer epoxy painted carbon steel that is resistant to various and corrosive environments.
In addition, some accessories are available for this type of drip pan, lid, drain pool, etc. and are added according to customer order.
In the fully automatic system (PLC), the opening and closing system of the piston is carried out systematically and without the participation of the operator for the loading and transportation of the filter plates and the cake unloading, the automatic filtering system of the filters is done automatically with a robot and an automatic piston.
Full Automat Filter Press 1000
This type of filter press devices Are among the industrial devices.
The printing of this device is in the form of an electric hydraulic and its base is fixed.
The body of this device is made of two-layer epoxy painted carbon steel that is resistant to various and corrosive environments.
In addition, some accessories are available for this type of drip pan, lid, drain pool, etc. and are added according to customer order.
In the fully automated system, the opening and closing operations of the piston – loading and transporting the filter plates and unloading the cake are carried out systematically without operator intervention. Automatic filtering system of filter devices is made automatically with a robot and an automatic piston.
Robotic Filter Press 1000
Solid designed German model filter press, body and frame are solid and solid. It is more suitable for use in the mining and chemical industry. This machine is produced as two models semi-vending machine and full vending machine. In the semi-automatic model, the plate handling process is manual and the piston opening and closing process is automatic.
In the fully automatic model, they are the systems where plate handling or cake discharging operations are controlled automatically from the electrical panel. This modeled automatic system is of two types, one is robot automatic and the other is piston automatic. In the robot automatic system, plates are carried one by one.
Robotic Filter Press 1500
Solid designed German model filter press, body and frame are solid and solid. It is more suitable for use in the mining and chemical industry. This machine is produced as two models semi-vending machine and full vending machine. In the semi-automatic model, the plate handling process is manual and the piston opening and closing process is automatic.
In the fully automatic model, they are the systems where plate handling or cake discharging operations are controlled automatically from the electrical panel. This modeled automatic system is of two types, one is robot automatic and the other is piston automatic. In the robot automatic system, plates are carried one by one.
Manual jack filter press
Filter press with manual jack and stainless steel veneer.
Filter press with manual jack that is used for movement of plate (open and close the plates).
by turning the jacks lever the pusher plate moves forward until the plates compact to each other.
According to Customers opinion some extra options can be added to filter press devices such as: mounting wheels, steel cover on plates, filter press cloth.